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Contemporary Argentina - from the second half of the twentieth century to modern day - cannot be understood without acknowledging and placing into context the Peronista emergence and its consequences. Peronism holds a vivid history that can be read in the Argentinean people, buildings, neighbourhoods and squares. On this special tour we will visit the sites that can explain the political and cultural conflicts that were brought about by the emergence of Juan D. Perón in the political arena. The tour also focuses on Eva Duarte, her political performance, her tragic death and the enduring continuity of her myth. Some of the key stages of her life are visited, as well as the place were her corpse was mummified and the museum opened to commemorate her legacy.

Some of our favourite places to visit and things to do in Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires off the beaten track

8489 Palermo, Retiro & Recoleta

Palermo, Retiro & Recoleta


La Boca & San Telmo


Colon Theatre


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