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The Milonga is a Spanish dance originating in Andalucia. As the music traveled the world it assumed various aspects and, in Buenos Aires, the Gauchos danced it in the lower-class cafes, in what is called a closed position. Here, their interpretation of it merged into what today is the Tango. The Buenos Aires 'Milonga' is a typical dance event where Argentine Tango, Milonga, and Vals are danced.

In recent years, Tango has experienced a real boom, thanks to visitors and also to the new Argentine generations, who have taken it upon themselves to reclaim their rich heritage. Indeed, the young have revitalized the Milongas circuit, establishments where people of very different ages, origins and social situations dance, until very late at night, the most authentic form of Tango, away from the spotlight of the commercial circuit. Each Milonga has its own working hours, its own dancing style and its own regular crowd. On this special tour you will visit two of them, depending on the day the visit is scheduled. They could be:

  • El Beso
  • Salon Canning
  • Niño Bien
  • La Marshall
  • La Catedral

Some of our favourite places to visit and things to do in Buenos Aires
What to do in Buenos Aires

8485 Tango Show & Dinner

Tango Show & Dinner

8484 Tango Lesson

Tango Lesson


Colon Theatre


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