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Heading out of your lodge on a night-time expedition is a great way to experience a very different side to the Amazon, when it is brought to life by a world of nocturnal activity. During the course of the guided trip you might spot colourful frogs, some birds and, most importantly, caimans. Guides use flashlights to find some of the smaller creatures lurking in the water, the beams of which are reflected on the eyes of the caiman as a red dot. This allows the guide to approach and safely contain the animal, taking care to bring it out of the water for guests to see up close, before returning it unharmed. An exhilarating and unique experience!

It is also possible to take night walks into the jungle at some lodges.

Some of our favourite things to do and see in the Brazilian Amazon
What to do in the Brazilian Amazon

8601 Jungle Nature Trails

Jungle Nature Trails

5128 Piranha Fishing

Piranha Fishing

8602 Canoe Rides

Canoe Rides


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