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Oxbow lakes form when bends of Amazonian rivers get cut adrift from the main body of water, creating a pool that is much calmer and clearer. The shallow and tranquil water creates a very different habitat for animals, attracting giant otters and huge black caiman, as well as squirrel monkeys around the edges. Various types of macaws are sighted flying overhead and the distinctive Hoatzin bird is a regular visitor. Given that this habitat is much more limited than the seemingly endless waterways and canopies of the rainforest, the wildlife tends to be more contained, making for easier observation and photography.

Some of our favourite things to do and see in the Peruvian Amazon
What to do in the Peruvian Amazon

8573 Amazon Nature Trails

Amazon Nature Trails

8582 Ese Eja Community Visit

Ese-eja Community Visit

8572 Macaw & Parrot Clay Licks

Macaw & Parrot Clay Licks


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